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Tags: quot, drugs, small, their, them, anekdota ,
Αποστολέας: Ανώνυμος
Two men, both have been convicted of Drug possession charges...for their community service they have to speak to a bunch of drug users and try to convince them to quit drugs.
The first man returns from his speech and his supervisor asked him,
"How many people did you get to sign up to quit drugs?"
"Very good, what did you do?"
"I drew two circles, a large one and a small one. I told them that the large one was their brain, and then I told them that the small one was their brain on drugs."
"Very good."
Then the second man returned.
"Well, how many people did you get to sign up to quit drugs?", the supervisor asks.
"376, wow!!! How did you do that!!!"
"Well....I drew two circles, one large one and one small one. I told them that the small one was their a**hole before prison...
Οι σημερινοί στρατιώτες λένε πολλές φορές: - "Ξυσ` τα αρχ. Σου με κασμά! ". Οι αρχαίοι σ...
Δύο φιλενάδες έπιναν τον καφέ τους. -άκουσα ότι έλεγες ότι είμαι άσχημη -όχι, απλά έλεγα...
Two nuns are walking down an alley at night. Two guys jump out and start raping them. The first nun...