The Priest

Tags: quot, priest, said, funeral, trisagion

Αποστολέας: Ανώνυμος

An old man had a dog - his only companion for nearly 15 years. Sadly , the dog died. he was so attached to the dog, that he went to see his priest at the 3 hierarchs church in Brooklyn and asked if he would arrange to say the trisagion and perform the funeral service for the dog.

the priest said, "Mr. Papadopoulos , you know we are an orthodox parish, and the trisagion is only for humans, not for animals."

"however," said the priest, "theres a new protestant congregation down the street a block or two. you go there and ask if theyll perform a funeral service for the dog. you know, they may just be nuts enough to do this for you."

the old man thanked him, and said, "do you suppose theyll also be nuts enough to accept my $75,000 donation in memory of my little Socrates?"

"hold it!" shouted the priest. "you didnt tell me that your dog was Greek?"

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