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Tags: quot, answered, penny, minute, million
Αποστολέας: Ανώνυμος
A man was taking it easy, laying on the grass and looking up at the clouds. He was identifying shapes when he decided to talk to God.
"God", he said, "how long is a million years?"
God answered, "In my frame of reference, its about a minute."
The man asked, "God, how much is a million dollars?"
God answered, "To me, its a penny."
The man then asked, "God, can I have a penny?"
God answered, "In a minute."
Στην αίθουσα αναμονής ενός οδοντιατρείου κάθονται 3 γέροι και ένας νέος άνδρας . Ένας από τους γέρου...